Email 10/9

MCCC Error Report
The Marshfield Citizens Coastal Coalition has been very busy getting our map error report into the Town of Marshfield before the October 16th map appeal deadline.  We handed in our report on October 4th, and were told by the Town that our appeal is valid, and will be submitted as an appeal to FEMA.  There is still the hurdle of FEMA ruling on our appeal either as valid or not, but this is a great first step in getting there.  The unified voice of our local, state, and federal leaders along with the citizens to FEMA could not be stronger.

We could not have made this report without the input of so many.  Because of that, we cite the citizens of Marshfield as a source.  The report can be downloaded on our website:

Government Shutdown

The government shutdown does not affect the implementation of the flood maps or the Biggert-Waters Act.  The FEMA mapping center and NFIP are both shut down, but the implementation of the maps continues.
The fact that congress is trying to fix the shutdown means that amending Biggert-Waters in any way is not a priority at this moment to congress.  The MCCC’s focus now will be to start to address the Biggert-Waters legislation, and write the legislation we believe it should be written.

Next Meeting

The MCCC will be busy with some administrative items over the next few weeks.  We expect to hold our next public meeting some time between now and the last week of October.  Stay tuned!