Email 9/23

We have several important updates.

September 28th Making Waves Rally (Part of national Stop FEMA Day)
On September 28th, there will be rallies all over the country to promote the repeal of FEMA flood maps and Biggert-Waters.  The attention-grabbing headline is not that we want to get rid of FEMA, but that we need to stop the drastic changes they are promoting.  The rally will be Saturday, September 28th at 9:00AM at the Mill Wharf Restaurant parking lot, Scituate, MA.  This will be a rally with the town of Scituate as well.   Please come with home made signs, and please park in public parking away from the Mill Wharf, as we will be gathering in the parking area near the restaurant.  The rally will last about 45 minutes and will have speakers such as State Representative Jim Cantwell, and State Senator Bob Hedlund.

Map Appeal Process
After our first privet map appeal session with our volunteer land surveyors, we have found several areas we believe are map errors.  We want to investigate the areas of error more, but we need your help!  We have made a document explaining the errors and what information we need, it can be found here (link: We will be having another private session this Thursday to dig further into these errors and to hopefully find more.

Town Hall Map Reading
The Town of Marshfield will have another opportunity for individuals to see the maps, and find out if they are in or out of the flood zone.  It is this Wednesday, September 25th, from 5 to 8pm at Marshfield Town Hall.  There will be town officials there to help determine your flood zone.

We will update you as we move along, and remember to always spread the word

Marshfield Citizens Coastal Coalition